



How to Cope With Stress and Illness

Stress and illness during the advanced years of life can be devastating physically and mentally. Stress is the chief contributor for illness. Hence it is very important to keep the mind and body relaxed and stress free to prevent illness.

Avoiding stress:

Stress has to be avoided to prevent a negative impact on behavior which in turn can cause health problems. Indications for unusually more stress are unhealthy nutrition, like over eating, skipping meals or eating too much of wrong foods.

Smoking and excessive drinking are also the forerunners of stress experience. There are the most in appropriate means of tackling stress because you are only increasing your stress besides running the great risk of developing serious health problems.

Other indicators of stress in an individual are sleep disturbances, physical inactivity and moody behavior. Your behavior is likely to endanger your physical well being by getting in to arguments with friends and family members and driving them erratically.

Dealing with stress and illness

The first and foremost thing to do to cope with stress is to identify the cause of stress and illness which may be easy or difficult to a high degree. Once you are able to pinpoint the cause of stress then you can eliminate it from your life. But it is not such an easy thing.

For soothing and relaxation of body and mind relaxation exercises should be performed. Popular means are yoga and meditation which effectively control stress. It is crucial to stay positive here and do not get over whelmed by setting realistic gals for yourself.

As you progress you can set higher goals by starting with easier goals at first and completing them realistically and achieve the results that you are looking for.


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