



Little Known Facts About Cryogenic Stress Relief

The study of very low temperatures and the nature of reactions of materials at those temperatures are called cryogenics. The area of cryogenics studies effects of temperatures below 180 degree C. This is a logical dividing line as the normal boiling points of permanent gases like helium, hydrogen, neon, nitrogen, oxygen and air are below-180 degree c. Whereas, the Freon refrigerants have boiling points above-180degree c.


The domain of cryogenic suddenly gained dominance when scientists discovered that low temperature frozen metals exhibited more resistance to long term wear. Relying on this theory of cryogenic hardening and stress relief, Ed Busch founded in 1966, a company in Detroit called Cryo Tech.

Cryogenic processing stress relief

Cryogenic stress relief is a great way to relieve stress from parts before, during and after machining. The relief process is very thorough granting that the warm up process is very slow and deliberate. Too much of hurry or shortening of the process will result in residual stress back in to the parts.

This process is very effective for standard machined metal parts, castings, forging, plastic or composite materials. The carbon content of steel is left undestroyed while the surface is left clean and free of oxides with no discoloration. This deadens the stress in machined or welded components and makes a world of difference in Aluminum parts needing intricate machining steps.

With the use of cryogenic stress relief Aluminum and nonferrous metals gain better machine ability after processing a real help in tight tolerance work. They become denser and stronger in their molecular structure and are almost stress dead.

Molecular structure

The big practical question now is how to relieve the stresses before machining. Cryogenic advances have discovered, researched and proved that treatment in the cryogenic chamber at -300 degree F at a controlled time/temperature cycle relieves all internal stresses because of the alignment of the molecular structure distorted earlier in the process.

When these cryogenic stress relieved parts are machined, there will be no distortion on the machined surface. Distortion takes place only through improper machining, dull cutting tools, or in sufficient material removed by the first cut.

Cryogenics is the present bold new science that holds much future promise.


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