



Rely on these Relaxation Techniques for a Stress Free Life

Today stress has become an integral part of your modern living and whether you know or not, stress is capable of taking a heavy toll on your health both physically and mentally. The moment you feel stressed, you lose your day to fatigue, depression and see a very great deal of reduction in your productivity level.

Whenever you would like to take a break and relax, you might choose to watch TV or sometimes opt to listen to music. When it comes to relaxation, the mindset differs from person to person and many experts opine that watching TV is not a recommended one as you are likely to get more stressed watching the commercials or other serials. So what could be a better relaxation technique to follow? There are innumerable number of techniques available for relaxation and you can choose the best that can suit you based on your need.

In one of the recent studies, psychological experts have concluded that your anger is capable of making you to contract heart disease and you get stressed out mentally due to your irritability. The studies further reiterated that your continued stress could cause ischemia that in turn could cause a heart attack. Hence, relaxation takes a center stage under theses contexts and it is important for you to manage your anger and sport a level attitude so as to get yourself saved form heart diseases and stress.

Right from time immemorial, transcendental meditation has been considered as a superior technique for relaxation and the practitioners claim that it is possible for you to get your blocked arteries cleared with this type of meditation and save you from any heart disease. You may also see people repeating soothing sounds while doing transcendental meditation, and this can greatly enhance your relaxation process. Further, the researchers have also established that when you practice transcendental meditation you stand a good chance to get your thickness of your artery walls reduced and with an increased blood flow your heart stays healthy and strong.

Acupuncture is also a yet another method of relaxation and this method is capable of reducing your blood pressure and simultaneously trigger your brain to release more endorphins, a chemical compound that helps relaxing your muscles, reduces your anxiety, arrests pain and alleviates panic.

Yoga, for quite a long period, is also considered as one of the best ever methods for relaxation and when you practice yoga, you are bound to have a beneficial effect very similar to acupuncture. In one of the studies that have been carried out, a set of people were subjected to severe stress and they were exposed to various relaxation techniques such as listening to music or yoga and at the end it was found that the group that practiced yoga managed their stress very positively and got their blood pressure reduced very quick. Further, yoga being considered as a progressive technique it helps in relaxation more effectively than any other methods.

Breathing exercise is also one of the most earliest relaxation techniques known to mankind and once you start doing breathing exercise, you will make its effect felt at your body level and mind level too. To start with you can simply watch your breathing act with intent and this simple technique is really effective in bringing down your pressure instantly. When it comes to various breathing exercises that exist for you to choose, you can choose the one that suits you and practice it for betterment.

More than what has been told above, many people still find a good exercise as a very good relaxation technique. Whenever you are exhausted or feel drained out mentally, simply go for a half an hour exercise programme and within that time you will start feeling refreshed and all your fatigue will wane out magically. Although exercise doesn’t show the ways to get rid of your stress, you can use for reducing the effects of stress and additionally you can also use exercise for your weight reduction.

Today, besides many other methods, massage have also started to show its stronghold as a relaxation technique and once you leave yourself to be manipulated by the person who does the massage, you are sure to find the technique beneficial for getting your tense muscles relaxed effectively. And again within the broad spectrum of massage there are many methods for you to achieve many levels of relaxation and you can choose one based on your need and affordability.

In recent times, a yet another biofeedback method of relaxation is taking its roots and in this you will be trained to use your own biofeedback to work for relaxation. The biofeedback-training sessions are normally conducted on alternate weeks with each session extending for 10 hours.

Next comes the most controversial hypnosis technique for relaxation and it is best suited for people who have not experienced even an iota of relaxation in their life. Self-hypnosis is also a method that is well suited for you to get your stress related health problems alleviated quickly and effectively.

Today, you can also find many people resorting to alternative methods of drug aided relaxation, which is not considered safe and effective when compared to other types of relaxation techniques. However, there may be instances also wherein the doctor will prescribe such drugs to a patient to overcome any chronic stress and it is always better to get your drug related relaxation prescribed by an experienced doctor.

What you have seen above is a set of relaxation techniques and it is possible that one or all of them may help you to achieve relaxation. The very basic requirement for you to relax is to lower your blood pressure so as to decrease any chance of heart attack. Whenever you are stressed out, your body system will produce complex hormones that interfere and play havoc with your immune system and there by making you contract many diseases including heart diseases.

The seat of your emotional system lies in your brains' limbic system and it needs to be rested periodically for you to feel relaxed and rejuvenated. Further, as your left part of the brain is the most active part, your brain’s right part also needs to be activated at least for some time for a balanced health and you can achieve this through relaxation.

Learn few relaxation techniques and make them to merge seamlessly into your existing lifestyle. Learn to perform the chosen relaxation technique regularly and you can see your life taking a qualitative turn in a desired direction.

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