



Procrastination Becomes A Part of Human Personality

Procrastination has become second nature to all in society at one time or other in not doing a project we want to do or not having time to complete the project or diverting our attention to some thing more interesting.

If this becomes a way of life it creates much stress and strain and he won’t be able to complete his task. Though many reasons are there for procrastination the final result is the same. Sleepless nights and tense days occur until projects are completed on deadline dates. This type of life is undesirable and you should first define what it is and what causes it.

A Seed You Have Sowed

Procrastination is of your own making. You could not learn self regulation and time management skills because of authoritative parents and controlled surroundings.

Also you could have rebelled against authority because of too much of control. Fear of failure and lack of confidence, too in completing the task are contributing factors. You think that by not doing the task or completing it you save yourself from failure. All these attitudes require the counseling and intervention of a psychologist for proper solution.

Lack Of Interest And Many More Reasons

Apart from up bringing and personality factors, a task of less importance is a cause for procrastination. He would than go after a more importer an irrelevant or unimportant work.

Even if the boss or the teacher directs you to do it you will be reluctant to do it in your time as it is not important for you. Lack of proper knowledge and suitable training are also the causes for procrastination.

Hurrying and dashing off to complete the task at the last minute is also a sign of procrastination. Ask yourself why you cannot do the job early and on the dead line. Identify the reason and rectify it by completing the tasks promptly and according to time.

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